Courier delivery services in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, the courier delivery service is very popular. Various companies, private and public, send papers and goods to clients every day with the help of companies offering delivery assistance. Having your own delivery service in Bulgaria is very rare. There are several companies that deliver within 1-2 days throughout almost the entire territory of Bulgaria. It is worth noting that the cost of the delivery service is quite small. Almost every locality has an office, and sometimes several, for receiving and receiving shipments. The parcel can be ordered for home delivery, it will be a little more expensive. Of course, companies skimp on office decoration, but in general the atmosphere is comfortable, the employees speak a little English and Russian. Almost everything is allowed to be sent, even food products and large and heavy goods.

Ekont. The most popular of the delivery services. It has more than 200 offices in almost every city in Bulgaria. The largest number is in Sofia. Processing the shipment takes a few minutes; to receive an SMS about the status of the parcel, you will be asked for a local mobile number. There is no requirement to provide your home address in Bulgaria, which is very convenient for those staying at a hotel. Previously, the company delivered to nearby countries and EU countries, but at the moment they only work in Bulgaria. There are also 24-hour machines for receiving and sending parcels – Enontomats. By the way, in Bulgarian it is pronounced Ekont. The delivery vehicles are decorated in accordance with the corporate style, there are two hound dogs - white and blue. The shipment can be made at your own expense or at the expense of the recipient. A large number of online stores use Ekont’s services, which is why many offices have fitting rooms. The company was founded in 1997 in Bulgaria; in addition to its own country, it operates in Greece, Romania and England. Ekont stands for European Container Transport. The approximate price for sending a parcel up to 0.5 kg is 4.5 levs.

Website: Available in English, Bulgarian and Greek. Allows you to calculate the cost and delivery time without leaving your home. There is a list of office addresses and their opening hours.

Speedy. Unlike Ekont, which is aimed at the territory of Bulgaria, Speedy delivers internationally. It works just as fast. The company also has a large number of offices, but its services are mostly used by online stores. Couriers who deliver parcels to homes usually do not speak either English or Russian, which is why delivery results in additional difficulties if the driver cannot find the home at the address. There are also machines for receiving and sending parcels, usually located in large supermarkets and malls.

Website: A list of tariffs is also provided. Delivery promotions are held periodically at reduced prices. There is a translation into English. The company was founded in 2012.

leo express. The courier service takes longer, there are fewer offices compared to previous services, there are only 62 branches, mainly in large cities. However, there is a mobile application in the AppleStore and GooglePlay that allows you to track your parcel. An item weighing 0.5 kg can be sent for 6.43 leva. There is a system of discounts.


DHL. Branch of a German logistics company. In 1981 the first office was opened in Bulgaria. Compared to other delivery services, the cost of shipments is quite high, however, it is better to send serious documents, for example to Russia, using this courier service.

Bulgarian Post. It works poorly and slowly.

Important. If you receive a parcel not from Bulgaria or the European Union (for example from America, China, Russia), then according to Bulgarian laws it will be detained at the Mintitsa (customs) nearest to your city until you pay 20% of the cost of the parcel, this rule applies to all parcels with declared price from 100 levs (50 €). Therefore, if possible, ask not to indicate the cost of the shipment to the sender.