Medicines in Bulgaria. Analogues of Russian drugs

Bulgaria produces a large number of different medicines, which are relatively inexpensive. This is largely facilitated by the country's geographical location, as well as the availability of mineral resources.

The pronunciation and spelling of the word Pharmacy in Russian and Bulgarian are the same, so finding the store you need is not difficult. It is much more difficult to navigate the choice of medications, since local medications have their own names and characteristics. Of course, if you know the international name of the main active ingredient of the required drug, the pharmacist will most likely be able to help you. By the way, in Bulgaria only a graduate of a special university who has completed a 5-year course has the right to work as a pharmacist. However, the salary of such a specialist is not high - about 200 euros per month.

The majority of medicines in Bulgarian pharmacies are sold without a prescription. Below is a list of drugs by use:

Runny nose:

  1. Xylometazoline - an analogue of Glazolin
  2. Vibrocil, drops
  3. Xylorin, drops
  4. Otrivin, spray
  5. Marimer, sea water spray
  6. Balm “Star” in the usual round metal packaging.
    “Tiger ointment” is another version of this balm (a tiger is depicted on the lid).


  1. Bronholitin, produced in Bulgaria, so it is always in stock.
    Cost about 4 levs
  2. Mukosolvan, syrup
  3. Bronchostop, syrup
  4. Mucoplant, herbal syrup
  5. Doctor Mom, syrup
  6. Strepsils
  7. Tantum Verde, spray

From high temperature:

  1. Gripex, powder
  2. Coldrex, powder
  3. Nurofen, syrup
  4. Theraflu, powder
  5. Aspirin, called and acts the same as the domestic one, there is an effervescent version.

    For antibiotics, you usually need a prescription, but you can buy it without it if there are no witnesses at the pharmacy. Augmentin is available in almost every Bulgarian pharmacy.

For muscle pain, sprains

  1. Voltaren Emulgel, gel
  2. Bishofite, ointment
  3. Revmalgon, solution
  4. Finalgon, warming ointment


  1. Rivanol is an analogue of Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. There is no pure solution of Chlorhexedine in pharmacies in Bulgaria, but there are ointments for treating wounds containing this drug
  2. Iodasept (liquid and ointment) - analogue of Iodine


  1. Nise (active ingredient nimesulide) - Nimesil, Aulin, Biolin
  2. Nurafen of various types and dosages is available in pharmacies in the original name
  3. Sedalgin-neo, Solpadeine - an analogue of Pentalgin-N
  4. Ketonal (active ingredient ketoprofen/ketoprofen) - analogue of Ketanov

From allergic reactions:

  1. Zyrtec, drops and tablets
  2. Claritin, syrup and tablets
  3. Allergodil, spray
  4. Alergozan, cream
  5. Allergy Control

For indigestion:

  1. Immodium
  2. Smecta
  3. Arolaxen
  4. Bionorm

For burns:

  1. Fenistil, gel
  2. Jinjira Alba, spray

Activated carbon, Vishnevsky Ointment, Glycine and “Rescuer” balm are available for sale, but are much more expensive than in Russia, since they are supplied from the European Union.

These drugs are not on sale: Zelenka, Volocardin (contains substances prohibited by the European Union), Ingalipt (there are analogues, for example Hexoral).