General Mutafchiyski will test a plane from Tesla

Today, Tesla, under the leadership of Elon Musk, announced the successful completion of the development of an aircraft model with an autopilot for civil aviation. According to the company, the project was scheduled for completion in 2022. However, due to the situation in the global economy, a project with autopilot for civil flights will be launched next week in the United States and in the coming month in Europe and around the world.

On the company's website, they are already selling tickets for the first flights without a pilot. The ticket price includes life insurance in case the autopilot fails during the flight. However, there are already lucky ones who have purchased tickets from Bulgaria to Russia.

One of the first travelers will be General Mutafchiyski with his beloved dog “April”. Instead of flight attendants, it is planned to organize vending machines directly on board the aircraft, which will be available after takeoff. For safety reasons, real pilots will monitor Tesla's Autopilot remotely. Elon said that this is one of the most ambitious projects of his life. He won’t be able to fly himself, but will watch the first flight online.

General Mutafchiyski approves

During the flight it will be possible to change the destination by electronic voting. As Elon admitted: “We are thinking of borrowing the system for selecting a destination from the Russian developers of smart voting. It doesn’t matter who will vote and how – the system itself will decide where to go this time. Which will make the journey even more intriguing.” You can view the price list and buy a ticket using link.