Coronavirus in Bulgaria. Dancing during the plague

From Monday, June 15, discos, nightclubs and piano bars will be able to resume work. New order of the Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev (Reserve No. RD-01-337/13.06.2020)< /a>, was issued on Saturday (June 14) - a day after the previous order, according to which nightclubs had to remain closed until the end of June. According to the Ministry of Health, the change occurred after the order of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.

Let us remind you that on June 12, the Minister of Health issued four orders< /a>, aimed at combating the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. It was decided to extend the emergency epidemiological situation for another 15 days until the end of June. In this regard, citizens were asked to wear masks and maintain distance.

On May 26, Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova suggested that the next easing would be the opening of nightclubs. However, by Order No. RD-01-332/12.06.2020 of Kirill Ananyev, the clubs were closed, which confused entertainment industry workers. After an urgent meeting of representatives of the Bulgarian “association for establishments” with Boyko Borisov, an assurance was received that the technical error made in the commandment would be corrected. “We express our gratitude to the Prime Minister for the quick response and support he has given to the hardest hit industry,” said the head of a restaurant owners’ organization. Starting Monday, wearing masks remains mandatory only in public transport, pharmacies and hospitals.

It is not surprising that the order to open bars and discos caused a negative reaction among citizens:

“How can you observe anti-epidemic measures at discos?! This is completely absurd. Or are we looking for a way to increase the number of patients in order to close everything again?

“It seems that the owners of entertainment establishments paid for this decree.”

“The physical distance between people is at least 1.5 meters... how this will be controlled in discos is not known at this stage. It would make sense for these establishments to remain closed for a while. However, this was canceled amid a record number of newly infected people. Horror.”

"Chalgotekite" and similar nativity scenes are not vital sectors of the economy that would justify the risk of early opening."

“Schools and universities are closed, discos are open! Instead of schools, children will go to discos.”


Yesterday also saw the opening of the nightclub Planet Yacht St. Vlas", owned by one of the most influential families in Bulgaria - "Dinevi Group" (Dinko and Yordan Dinevi). As can be seen from the announcement, the opening was already planned on June 12, but the order of the Minister of Health prevented the planned opening.

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