Coronavirus in Bulgaria: extension of quarantine until July 14

The Council of Ministers of Bulgaria extended the epidemiological situation in the country until July 15 2020. This decision was made due to the increase in the number of cases of coronavirus in recent years few weeks.

“The average daily number of cases in the period from June 10 to June 23 is 84 people, which is 3.2 times more than in the previous period,” explained Health Minister Kiril Ananiev. He also noted that the growing number of infected health workers is worrying.

Increase in the number of infections in Bulgaria according to

According to Ananiev, prolonging the epidemiological situation will help slow and limit the spread of the epidemic and improve the readiness of the healthcare system to respond to the next wave.

“We are extending the epidemiological situation until July 15. No new restrictive measures will be introduced. Currently, the whole world is fighting the virus through trial and error. Nobody knows what's right. Social isolation has caused tension in Bulgaria, so we have started to open everything up step by step. The only thing we ask for is responsibility. Apparently, we misjudged the situation and now the number of infected people is increasing again,” said Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.

  • The ban on entry into the country and quarantine for people arriving from countries with high incidence rates remains in force.
  • wearing masks in public spaces and transport, as well as maintaining social distance and hygiene, becomes mandatory.
  • Large group gatherings and mass events remain restricted.
  • In kindergartens distance will have to be maintained both among children and among staff.
  • Chief State Health Inspector Angel Kunchev called on the Ministry of Education to postpone graduation ceremonies in schools.

The option of reducing fines for non-compliance with measures is being discussed. “Our goal is not to collect revenue from fines, but to ensure compliance with the measures,” said the Minister of Health. Let us remind you that on June 22, mandatory wearing of masks was introduced (Regulation No. RD-01-354/22.06.2020) . The minister warned that the authorities will now exercise stricter control over compliance with anti-epidemic measures.

This information became known on June 24 during a briefing by the Minister of Health, official document Zapoved No. RD-01-353/22.06.2020< /a>.

On June 30, the following documents were published clarifying the details Zapoved No. RD-01-372/30.06.2020, < a target="_blank" href="/images/blog/2020/6/zapoved_15_2.pdf">Zapoved No. RD-01-371/30.06.2020, Zapoved No. RD-01-370/30.06.2020, Reserve No. RD-01-369/30.06.2020.

The declaration form for entry into Bulgaria has been published. Download


We publish daily the latest news about coronavirus in Bulgaria in Russian here

International data on the spread of coronavirus on the world map .