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Due to the spread of the virus, online shopping has become more important than ever. Even those who previously bought clothes exclusively after trying them on in a store began to think about online shopping. However, in Bulgaria, online shopping has its own characteristics, pros and cons, which will be discussed today.

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The Bulgarian Minister of Health issued four orders on the conditions for extending the epidemiological emergency until June 30. Let us remind you that due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus in Bulgaria, a state of emergency was declared from March 13, 2020 to May 13. Then, from May 14 to June 14, a state of emergency was introduced, which made it possible to cancel some measures.

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Due to the restrictions adopted due to the coronavirus, a large number of citizens with a residence permit in Bulgaria (residence permit, residence permit and permanent residence permit) are faced with the difficulty of confirming and extending documents. Someone did not receive the necessary documents from the Russian Federation, someone was unable to appear at the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to quarantine, someone was locked outside of Bulgaria. Taking into account these and other difficulties, the Government of Bulgaria published Decree No. 95, containing amendments, including to the “Law on Foreigners” (Law on Alienism).

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According to the decree of the Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev (Reserve No. RD-01-270/19.05.2020) from May 22 Kindergartens and nurseries are opening in Bulgaria. The purpose of the opening is to help parents who are unable to stay at home with their children. However, the minister called for children to be left at home if possible, especially if there are people over 60 living in the family. The reason is that the risk of coronavirus infection has not yet passed.

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The Minister of Health of Bulgaria issued an order (Zapoved No. RD-01-268/ 05.15.2020), on the basis of which shopping centers and fitness centers will be able to start operating from 00.00 on May 18. The order was formed after a meeting between Boyko Borisov and representatives of the largest shopping centers and the Bulgarian Retail Trade Association. The Prime Minister noted that it is necessary to continue to strike a balance between restoring economic life and maintaining anti-epidemic measures in order to maximally protect the health of Bulgarian citizens.

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Due to the danger of the spread of coronavirus On March 13, a state of emergency was declared in Bulgaria, a month later it was extended until May 13. Starting from May 14, the state of emergency changes to an emergency epidemiological situation for a period until June 14. The Bulgarian Council of Ministers announced that some restrictions will remain in place to reduce the risk of the spread of infection. Reserve No. RD-01-262 dated May 14, 2020 / Reserve No. RD-01-263 dated May 14, 2020 / Reserve No. RD-01-264 dated May 14, 2020 / Reserve No. RD- 01-265 from 05/14/2020

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On Sunday, May 3, 2020, Bulgarian Health Minister Kiril Ananiev issued an order (Reserve No. RD-01-249/05/03/2020), canceling some anti-epidemic measures and allowing the opening and visiting of outdoor trading areas. These are terraces of cafes, restaurants, fast food establishments and bars. They will be able to start working on May 6, subject to the following anti-epidemic measures:

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Finally the path leading from Bansko to the Vihren hut has been cleared. During the winter months, part of the road is covered with snow, as it intersects with ski slope No. 9 "Alberto Tomba". In general, the road surface is dry, almost up to the hut, you can drive on summer tires. However, there are many potholes on the road left after the winter season, so be careful.

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Starting from March 13, 2020, due to the spread of coronavirus in Bulgaria and the introduction of a state of emergency ( link to document), the government has limited the movement of citizens around the country. Today, at the exit/entry from regions and some cities, checkpoints have been installed where you are required to present a completed declaration form (“declaration for preminavane”). In this article you can download the declaration form in the format pdf and doc, and Also see sample filling.

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April in Bulgaria is the time for recruiting staff, concluding rental agreements and final preparations for the tourist season. Unfortunately, this year due to the coronavirus the situation will be somewhat different. When will quarantine end, borders will open, the summer tourist season will begin and how will coronavirus affect holidays in Bulgaria? In this article we will try to answer these questions, and also consider the anti-crisis plan proposed Bulgarian government. Comments from local tourism experts will also be presented (in the form of excerpts from Bulgarian sources). In conclusion, the author will present his own vision and give a forecast for the development of the situation, based on the experience of long-term residence in Bulgaria.

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